
iTechStyle Summit 2020 - Call for Abstracts

We are now opening the “Call for Abstracts”.

Until 14th February and inviting you to join our panel of experts from multidisciplinary research and application areas that will share their knowledge and experience in these fields.

iTechstyle Summit invites the submission of original abstracts to the 4rd International Conference on Textiles & Clothing, held alongside the ETP’s 15th Annual European Textile Conference, from April 28th to 30th 2020 in Porto, Portugal.

iTechStyle Summit 2020 will address four key areas:
- Digitization and Dematerialization of Textile Manufacture.
- Sustainability and Circular Economy.
- New Advanced Materials, Fibres and Structures.
- Novel Applications of Textile Based Materials.

For more information about the proceeding, please visit the official website www.itechstylesummit.pt

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